Unless there is a medical problem, you should have your first pelvic exam around the age of 21 years or sooner if you begin sexual activity.

In India as per WHO ( Word Health Organization) incidence of infertility is 3.9 to 16.8 %.

Adults under the age of 50 should get 1,000 mg of calcium every day. Over the age of 50, the amount goes up to 1,200 mg. The best way to get your calcium is in your food.

If you are sexually active, you are at risk of exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV, or genital warts). Please discuss HPV testing with your doctor during your visit. When your Pap smear is performed the cells can be tested for HPV.

The HPV vaccine is recommended for adolescent girls who are not sexually active. Females who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine. The HPV vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women.

If you’ve tested positive with a home pregnancy test, give us a call. We will schedule an appointment for you approximately eight weeks from your last menstrual period.